Call For Availibilty: 425-518-7246
Tiny Miracles utilizes positive discipline and guidance techniques so that children will be provided with a safe, happy, comfortable environment. The purpose of discipline is to help children develop self control, and to teach children that each person is responsible for his own actions.
Tiny Miracles establishes definite guidelines for behaviors so that children know what is expected of them. This helps them to feel secure. Limits and consequences will be clear and understandable to the child, consistently enforced and explained to the child before and as part of any disciplinary action. Teachers use a pro-active verbal and non-verbal (smiles, pats, high-fives, etc.) positive reinforcement approach to highlight and encourage safe and kind behaviors. Children are always handled lovingly.
-Teachers will give children praise, love, and positive reinforcement at all times
-Teachers will respond consistently and firmly to inappropriate behaviors
-Teachers will use misbehaving opportunities to teach the child why the behavior was inappropriate and what the child should have done--The child may be asked to repeat what the teacher has said to be sure that he/she understands
-Teachers will help the child learn to express feelings in words and to find a new way to handle the situation that caused the inappropriate behavior
-Firm positive statements about behaviors or redirection of behaviors are the accepted techniques for use with toddlers
-Removal from the group to help a child gain control will not exceed one minute per year of age
If a child is not responding to techniques used, we will ask for a conference with the parent to explain the child’s behaviors and the discipline techniques used. The parent and the teacher together will develop additional techniques that will be used. The teacher will keep a log of the child’s behaviors, the discipline used, and the outcome. The teacher will maintain contact with the parent to further discuss progress or lack of progress.
Guidelines for behavior and consequences will be explained to the children before and as part of any disciplinary action. The teacher will help the children to understand that the guidelines provide for a happy and safe place for all children. Preschool and school-age children will have reasonable opportunity to resolve their own conflicts.
If, after these attempts have been made to meet the child’s individual needs, the child demonstrates inability to benefit from the type of care offered, or whose presence is detrimental to the group, Tiny Miracles will notify the parent of the intent to discharge the child from the program. When it is determined that it is in the best interests of the child to terminate enrollment, the child’s and parents’ needs shall be considered and the center will assist the parent to plan for alternate care.
We do not practice corporal punishment or shaming. Licensing regulations require parents to not use any form of corporal punishment while on school property.